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自从妻子去世后,萨姆(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)就相信自己此生的爱已经走到了尽头,不会再有新的恋情走进心中,他在西雅图和儿子乔纳一起平静的生活。而乔纳,却一直希望爸爸能够开始新的婚姻,重获生活的阳光。   抱着这样的想法,乔纳在圣诞夜打电话到电台的情感热线。就这样,萨姆的经历在此夜传遍了各个角落,很多人在倾听他的故事,其中包括安妮(梅格·瑞安 Meg Ryan饰)——一个住在东部的女记者。她善良,温柔,有一个知心的好友,和一个即将结婚的男友。然而,幸福的生活就被这个电话彻底打破了。她的内心有一种冲动,让她一步步地接近这个远在西部的男人。   然而,一次次辗转的错过让萨姆和安妮迟迟不能会面。屡次在缘份的天空下失诸交臂的二人,一直为爱而奔波,等待一个遇见的机缘。After his wife Maggie passes away, Sam Baldwin and his 8-year-old son Jonah relocate from Chicago to Seattle to escape the grief associated with Maggie's death. Eighteen months later Sam is still grieving and can't sleep. Although Jonah misses his mother, he wants his father to get a new wife despite Sam having not even contemplated dating again. On Christmas Eve, Sam (on Jonah's initiative) ends up pouring his heart out on a national radio talk show about his magical and perfect marriage to Maggie, and how much he still misses her. Among the many women who hear Sam's story and fall in love with him solely because of it is Annie Reed, a Baltimore-based newspaper writer. Annie's infatuation with Sam's story and by association Sam himself is despite being already engaged. But Annie's relationship with her straight-laced fiancé Walter is unlike her dream love life in the movie An Affair to Remember (1957). She even writes to Sam proposing they meet atop the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day. Back in Seattle, Sam has received hundreds of letters from women wanting to meet him. Jonah is excited by one letter in particular from Baltimore and will do whatever he needs to to get his father and Annie together. However, old fashioned Sam wants his future love life to be based on meeting a woman the traditional way and he, in turn, becomes infatuated with an unknown woman he spots a few times in Seattle. Will magic happen twice in Sam's life, and if so will it be with this unknown woman or Annie?

资源名:Sleepless.In.Seattle.1993.1080p.WEB-DL.H264-iDLE [PublicHD]


文件大小:3.96 GB


资源名:Sleepless.In.Seattle.1993.1080p.WEB-DL.H264-iDLE [PublicHD]


    Sleepless.In.Seattle.1993.1080p.WEB-DL.H264-iDLE [PublicHD]

  • www.bttku.com.txt(30B)
  • Sleepless.In.Seattle.1993.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.h264-iDLE.mkv(3.96 GB)
  • Downlaoded From PublicHD.SE.txt(93 bytes)
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