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聪明漂亮的公司女秘书玛尔妮·埃德加(蒂比·海德莉 Tippi Hedren饰)实际上是一名品行不端的女窃贼,嗜偷如命。几个月后,她偷走了公司保险柜里的将近一万美元的现金,恰好公司的大主顾马克·鲁德兰(肖恩·康纳利 Sean Connery饰)也在场。他对这位冷艳神秘的女人有着浓厚的兴趣。更有缘分的是,马克就是玛尔妮的新任老板。玛尔妮对红色的东西始终有着一种神经性的恐惧,这更让马克觉得这个怪异的女孩背后一定有着什么故事,企图接近她。   鲁德兰猛烈的爱情攻势,让玛尔妮倍感恐慌和不安。虽然她也对这个风度翩翩的英俊男人动了心,却仍习惯性地从公司的保险柜里偷出现金,打算远走高飞。马克及时阻止了她,并引导玛尔妮说出真话。面对自己难以逾越的心理障碍,玛尔妮内心中那段不愿告人的身世之谜即将揭开面纱。Marnie Edgar is a habitual liar and a thief who gets jobs as a secretary and after a few months robs the firms in question, usually of several thousand dollars. When she gets a job at Rutland's, she also catches the eye of the handsome owner, Mark Rutland. He prevents her from stealing and running off, as is her usual pattern, but also forces her to marry him. Their honeymoon is a disaster and she cannot stand to have a man touch her and on their return home, Mark has a private detective look into her past. When he has the details of what happened in her childhood to make her what she is, he arranges a confrontation with her mother realizing that reliving the terrible events that occurred in her childhood and bringing out those repressed memories is the only way to save her.



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