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1988年的布拉格,大提琴手路卡(Zdenek Sverák 饰)丢掉了乐团的工作多时,只能靠为殡仪馆伴奏和修补墓碑为生。这位大龄单身汉在女人面前颇有魅力,他也乐此不疲,但困窘的生活让他不得不违背初衷,与一位苏联女子假结婚以获得报偿。婚后几日,苏联女子转道投奔西德,将五岁幼子科里亚(Andrei Chalimon 饰)丢给路卡抚养,路卡有一搭没一搭的用对方听不懂的捷克话向科里亚抱怨苏联人的霸道,同时还要应付警察对假结婚的追查以及敌视苏联人的母亲。路卡拜托多位女友照顾科里亚,这对父子也慢慢产生了对彼此的依赖,不久苏联政府要接回孩子,路卡趁着八十年代末混乱的形势,带着科里亚离家出走……   本片获1997年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,1996年威尼斯电影节荣誉奖等十几项褒奖。Franta Louka is a concert cellist in Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia, a confirmed bachelor and a lady's man. Having lost his place in the state orchestra, he must make ends meet by playing at funerals and painting tombstones. But he has run up a large debt, and when his friend, the grave-digger Mr. Broz, suggests a scheme for making a lot of money by marrying a Russian woman so that she can get her Czech papers, he reluctantly agrees. She takes advantage of the situation to emigrate to West Germany, to her lover; and leaves her five-year-old son with his grandmother; when the grandmother dies, Kolya must come and live with his stepfather - Louka.

资源名:Kolja 1996 720p BluRay Directors Cut DTS x264-CHD




资源名:Kolja 1996 720p BluRay Directors Cut DTS x264-CHD

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