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原名:I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:39

前两部远在8、9年前,当时尚未与瑞斯·维瑟斯彭订下终身的雷恩·菲利普,贡献了正面全裸的帅哥出浴戏;而萨拉·米歇尔·盖拉也正因为参演该系列被封为“惊叫皇后”,才有缘出演了其后的《诱惑性游戏》和《咒怨美国版》。      物是人非事事休。等到《电锯惊魂》这样的小喽喽都被委以重任、变身“先锋廖化”的时候,《我知道》系列才想起来完成三部曲的最终章,未免英雄迟暮——当年一时瑜亮的死对头《夺命狂呼》早已曲终人散——而在毫无敬老意识的可畏后生们左右夹攻之下,想独孤求败俨然是南柯大梦。《我知道你去年夏天干了什么》、《我依然知道你去年夏天干了什么》、《我一直知道你去年夏天干了什么》……据说索尼正在开展第四集的征名活动!?On July 4th, in the small Broken Ridge, Colorado, the teenagers Colby, his girlfriend Amber and their friends Zoe, Roger and PJ play a prank with the legend of the Fisherman that kills teenagers with dirty little secrets with his hook in an entertaining park. However, when PJ jumps with his skateboard, there is an unexpected accident and PJ dies. The group stays together and makes a covenant to keep their secret. One year later, Amber receives 50 messages in her cell-phone saying "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and she gathers her friends to find who might have told about their pact. They find that PJ's cousin Lance also knows what they did. Sooner they find that a dark man wearing slicker is chasing them with a hook to kill each one of them.
Ill Always Know What You Did Last Summer 2006 STV DVDRip XviD-SAPHIRE

资源名:Ill Always Know What You Did Last Summer 2006 STV DVDRip XviD-SAPHIRE




资源名:Ill Always Know What You Did Last Summer 2006 STV DVDRip XviD-SAPHIRE

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