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阿根廷最佳影片「鬼头鬼脑」的美国重拍版本。发生在洛杉矶的现代犯罪故事,一对奇妙的犯罪组合,一名是年轻的拉丁人(迪亚戈卢纳),不择手段为了抢救父亲,另一是三十来岁诡计多端的白人(约翰雷利),一身骗术只为致富,这两个人一拍即合,连手骗得美国史上最有价值的一套发行货币,然而问题是两个各怀鬼胎的行骗高手有办法心悦诚服合作无间吗?Two grifters - boyish, likable Rodrigo and the scheming, cynical Richard - meet by chance. Richard, who has cheated everyone he knows, including his siblings, is missing his partner, so he offers Rodrigo a job for a day. Rodrigo accepts because he has some savings, but needs more to pay his father's gambling debts. Richard gets a call when an aging, ill ex-associate needs help to sell a forged treasury note to a businessman whose visa is expiring the next day, a wealthy man who sees a chance to turn a quick profit buying what he thinks is a stolen document. When the con men have to improvise, Richard asks Rodrigo to use his savings to set up the deal. Is Rodrigo being conned?

资源名:Criminal LiMiTED XViD-ALLiANCE




资源名:Criminal LiMiTED XViD-ALLiANCE

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