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约翰·达顿是达顿家族的一家之长,坐拥着美国最大的牧场,与牧场毗邻的有美国首个国家公园、印第安人保留地以及土地开发商买下的地皮。在一次因牲畜误入印第安人保留地引起的争端中,不幸的意外伤亡事件发生,一场涉及多方的争端在蒙大拿州这片美丽的土地上拉开了序幕。Yellowstone follows the Dutton family, led by John Dutton, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States, under constant attack by those it borders - land developers, an Indian reservation, and America's first National Park. It is an intense study of a violent world far from media scrutiny - where land grabs make developers billions, and politicians are bought and sold by the world's largest oil and lumber corporations. Where drinking water poisoned by fracking wells and unsolved murders are not news: they are a consequence of living in the new frontier. It is the best and worst of America seen through the eyes of a family that represents both.


类型:TV HD Episodes




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