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尼克(贾斯汀•钱特温 Justin Chatwin饰)出生于富足的家庭,亦是学校里的优等生。他梦想着可以成为诗人,但他的母亲却早已为他安排了以后的人生。他希望通过自己的努力去实现梦想。   安妮(玛格丽塔•列维伊娃 Margarita Levieva饰)和尼克在同一所高中,是一个问题少女,受家庭影响,终日游手好闲。   在一宗偷窃案中,安妮被男友出卖,却误认为是尼克告的密,遂与一帮朋友将尼克拖入树林暴打一顿。   转天,尼克像往常一样去学校上课,却发现自己变成了幽灵一般的隐形人……Nick Powell is an excellent high-school student who raises money by selling homework and results of quizzes to his schoolmates. He aims to travel to London for a writer's course - telling his best friend, Pete Egan, that he has already bought the airplane ticket but he has not told to his mother yet. Annie Newton has a problem with Pete, who owes money to her. As events unfold, due to a case of mistaken identity Nick takes a severe beating from Annie and her gang, his body dumped in a sewer. The next morning, he discovers he cannot be seen - he is now a spirit in a state of limbo and can only observe as the events of that day unfold.






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