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Eat Your Heart Out

剧情  德国   1999  英语 

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状态:19播放   更新:2023-08-18 06:08:00

关于如何在友谊和成功之间徘徊的故事,主角丹尼尔是一位厨师,与他最好的两个朋友萨曼莎和彼得共用一套公寓。当丹尼尔在电视烹饪节目中找到一份工作时,他一夜成名,但他对朋友的时间也越来越少了。当丹尼尔离开公寓搬进他的新经纪人住宅时,萨曼莎和彼得感到被背叛,而丹尼尔需要一段时间才能 意识到他正在耗尽他的友谊。Daniel, Sam(antha) and Peter are three old friends living together in a Los Angeles loft. Being gifted with a great cooking skill and good looks, Daniel uses his talent to bring home one beauty after another. As he gives public cooking lessons, there is enough female supply for his wishes. One day, a TV-Producer takes part in one of his courses and watches him work. Then, she offers him his own show, "Cooking for Two". Daniel is more than happy and accepts gratefully. The three friends promise to each other that not even money can bring them apart. But the show develops accidentally into a new direction: Female watchers pour out their problems on Air by telephone, while Daniel has to give partnership-counselling together with cooking recepies and, in a certain way, both subjects seem to be closely related. Daniel, being wealthy and famous, is now about to marry his new love, Jacqueline, when he finds out about some things going on behind the scenes that really do concern him, her, his...






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